VSPM Academy of Higher Education, Nagpur
Wadi, Nagpur - 440023 (M.S.) India

Library Introduction

Knowledge resources are the key for the growth of any educational institution Jawaharlal Nehru Arts, Commerce & Science College with its commitment to learning provides the students with a fully equipped library consisting of books & journals on various topics. The aim of library is inculcating reading habits and encouraging research and academic activities by rendering information services at the senior level as well as the Post – Graduate level.

The Library has been established right from the inception of the college in 1990-91. Initially it had 150 books. The college has continued to add to its collection and at present it holds 9151 books, 340 bound volumes of back journals, thesis & Dissertations, Minor Research projects, previous year’s question papers of RTM Nagpur University etc.

A user-friendly environment has been established in the library. The present Librarian Dr. Premlata kurhekar along with the library assistant manages the library with prompt and effective online and offline Library Services. The library follows Dewey Decimal Scheme for classification and arrangement of books.

Librarian’s Desk

Dr. Premlata kurhekar

Welcome to the Jawaharlal Nehru Arts, Commerce & Science College Library. A Library is a heart of any Institution. It is an integral part of the college education which revolves around teaching, research & consultancy.

The Library seeks to promote the vision & mission of the college by providing timely access to the quality information in various forms (Print, Online, E-resources, CDs,) to meet the teaching and learning needs of the college staff and students.

Higher studies will have to require optimum use of library resources. In today’s environment knowledge is a power. J.N.C College Library is open access that gives you a freedom to choose and read any books of any subject.


To Help In Achieving Overall Institutional goal By Supporting Teaching – Learning Process through Learning Resources. It provides traditional and innovative library services to the right user at the right time.


College library is open access library that gives opportunity to users to provide diverse information. Library play important role to connect people to share, create and access knowledge. The Institute encourages the free exchange of information and ideas in a democratic society.

Library collection

Sr. Collection types Quantity
1 Books 11399
2 Journals and magazines 12
3 Journals bound volumes 340
4 News papers 10+2
5 E- News papers ( direct link through college website) 14
6 Cd’s 12

Special Collection

  • Encyclopedia Britannica-32 Vol’s
  • Encyclopedia of carriers vocational guidance-5 vol”
  • English-english Marathi Oxford Dictionary
  • वाणिज्य विश्वकोश vol. 11
  • Encyclopaedia of Social science vol, 8
  • इतिहास विश्वकोश १०- Vol's
  • भारतीय समाज का विश्वकोश खंड ५
  • भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था विश्वकोश खंड १०
  • मानवधिकार विश्वकोश खंड 11
  • वाणिज्य कोश खंड ५
  • मानक हिंदी इग्रंजी शब्दकोश
  • मराठी सियासत खंड ८
  • Encyclopaedia of Science and Technology vol. 15
  • Encyclopaedia of Applied Chemistry vol. 05
  • Encyclopaedia of Zoology vol. 05
  • Encyclopaedia of Botany vol. 05
  • The New oxford American Dictionary
  • Atlas of the world ( National Geographic )
  • Encyclopaedia of experiment in Physics vol. 05
  • Encyclopaedia of Political system vol. 05
  • Macmillan English Dictionary
  • Encyclopaedia of spoken English vol. 05
  • Encyclopaedia of English Vocabulary vol.05
  • Encyclopaedia of idioms and phases
  • महाराष्ट्र शब्दकोश खंड ८

Library Services

  • User Orientation Programme at the beginning of new session.
  • Lending Service (for under graduate students one book for one week) (for post graduate students two books for one week)
  • Reprography Service
  • Reference Service
  • OPAC Service
  • Newspaper Clipping Service
  • Book Deposit scheme at (University Exam time)
  • Book Bank Scheme (only for economically backward class student)
  • Library Book Exhibition
  • Free Internet Facility
  • INFLIBNET – N-List facility
  • Copy of Syllabus, RTM Nagpur University previous year question paper set available in the Reading Room.
  • Display of new arrivals
  • Display of library books on special occasion
  • Career/Employment Information Services
  • Suggestion Box

Library Advisory Committee

Sr. Members Name
1 Shri Yuvraj Chalkhor
2 Dr. Kalpana Borker
3 Dr.Premlata Kurhekar
4 Dr. Narendra Gharad
5 Dr. Sudhakar Borker
6 Dr. Shubhash Shembhekar

Rules & Regulation

  • Library will remain open for all the user sw from 9.0am to 5.0 pm. On all the working days.
  • Students are required to show their ID cards while entering the Library, while borrowing books and at any time when requested by the Library, Staff
  • Students are requested to leave their bags, handbags and personnel belongings etc. on the racks kept inside Property Counter at the library gate. Do not bring & keep any valuables as the library will not be responsible for them.
  • Each student will be permitted to borrow books for a period of 7 days.
  • Each Faculty and Staff will be permitted books for a period of 1 Month (30 Days)
  • The books are to be returned on the due dates, failing which the student and staff will be required to remit a fine Rs. 2/- per book per day beyond the due date.
  • Renewals are allowed only when there is no claim by others.
  • Reference Books, Journals/Magazines and CD/DVD’s will not be issued.
  • Any document taken out of the library should be sown to the Library staff, before being taken out.
  • Absence and illness are not acceptable excuses for the exemption from paying overdue charges.
  • Books marked or written with ink or pencil, torn/pages taken out or defilement in any other form will be taken seriously and the borrower will be penalized. He/She will be required to either replace the book with Rs. 50/- towards Technical Processing Fee or pay double the cost of the book.
  • Books lost by the borrowers will have to be reported immediately in writing to the librarian, failing which, fines will keep on accumulating, replace the book within week (7days)
  • Refreshments or foodstuff of any kind will not be allowed inside the library.
  • The librarian has the authority to recall a book at any time before its due date.
  • All library members are expected to read the notice board for library timings and other facilities
  • Mobile phones are banned in the library anybody found using them will be penalized and the handset will be confiscated.
  • All the students are required to strictly adhere to the above regulations and cooperate with the library staff for smooth and efficient functioning of the library.

Official Library Opening And Operating Hours

Working Days Monday to Saturday Except Holidays
Working Hour 8:00am to 4:00pm on all working days
Issue Counter timings 8:00am to 3:00pm
Internet Surfing 11:30am to 1:30pm
Reading Room 08:00am to 04:00pm

Important Links

Our Staff

Name Designation Qualification
Dr. Premlata kurhekar Librarian, M.A, M.Lib ,M.phil. Ph. D. (Library Science)
Shri K.G.Ukey Library Attendant 1st, MS-CIT

Library Automation

Library has a separate Network, 1 Server and 4 Clients. Library data entry has completed in software .
Library have subscribed following software

Name - LIB-MAN Software Library Management System, an ideal library automation package. LIB-MAN is integrated multi user, multilingual package which computerizes all the in-house operation of library.

Nature of automation -Library is partially computerized. Acquisition, cataloguing, circulation, newspaper, journal entry are done by computers. All MIS analysis and reported by LIB-MAN.

Version - The software version is 1.0 Product No. MSERP / 0320/16/0014
Year of installation - 2005 - 2006

Student Corner image
Important Links
Conferences / Workshops image
Vachan Sankalp Maharashtra Cha image